Kupuji Kuasa Allah

(I Sing the Mighty Power of God)
NP. 021 - 4/4 Bes = Do (2 Mol)

Kupuji kuasa Allah, Yang ciptakan gunung;
Yang membentangkan samudra, Langit yang membubung.

Kupuji hikmat yang atur, Yang surya bersinar;
Bintang - bintang'tuk bertabur, dan bulan memancar.

Kupuji kebaikan Tuhan, Yang berkati bumi;
Ia menciptakan dengan Firman, Semua yang jadi.

Kemuliaan Tuhan nampak, Ke mana ku pandang,
Baik di bumi yang kupijak, dan di langit terang!

Tak ada bunga yang tidak, Nyatakan mulia-Mu;
Awan bangkit, ombak golak, Oleh kehendak-Mu;

Semua yang hidup olehMu, Selalu Kau jaga,
Dan di segala penjuru, Engkau, Allah ada.

I sing the mighty pow' r of God, That made the mountains rise;
That spread the flowing seas a broad, And built the lofty skies.

I sing the wisdom that ordained, The sun to rule the day;
The moon shines full at His command, And all the stars obey.

I sing the goodness of the Lord, That filled the earth with food;
He formed the creatures with His word, And then pronounced them good.

Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed, Where'er I turn my eye.
If I survey the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky!

There's not a plant or flower below, But makes Thy glories known;
And clouds arise, and tempests blow, By order from Thy throne;

While all that borrows life from Thee Is ever in Thy care,
And every where that man can be, Thou, God, art present there.


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