Amazing Grace

I saw the S-U-N go down yesterday
And in its place darkness appeared
I saw the grains of wheat
Awaiting the Sun's return
Without the promise of the Sun light
They know they'll surely die.

And after time and time had passed
I saw a little sunlight at last
A little more then a little more
Then a little more sunlight than before.

But at the breaking of a brand new dawn
I saw the fullness, the risen Son
I remember what God had done for me
When He took my sins to calvary.

Thank You for a faithful resurrection
Oh what a blessed consolation
When I found nothing of worth in me
You broke the seals of calvary

Amazing grace how sweet the song
I was lost but now am found
And there is nothing going wrong
Thank You, Lord, for the rising of the Son.

I saw the S-O-N go down at Nicea Rome
Before Paul left at Ephesus
He said there'll appear grievous wolves
The serpent found a way to break the Son's influence
He preached his doctrines of lies

So down and down the gospel went
He showed a little light in Smyrna
And many saw Him at Pergamos
But less light in Thyatira age
And Luther saw Him in Sardis age.

It was 1750, a man by the name John Wesley
He caught a little Son light in Philadelphia
And many saw It at Laodecia

But at the breaking of a brand new dawn
the Son came clothed in a Cloud
With one foot on sea and one on land
The fullness of the Son was in the Son of man

Thanks for Revelation 10: 7
That man called William Branham
He took the mystery of the risen Son
To every kindred and nation

Amazing grace how sweet the song
They that were lost then they were found
He give the blind the eyes to see
And they were thankful for the rising of the Son.

Amazing grace how sweet the song
They that were lost then they were found
He broke the bondage upon our lives
And present us as the Lamb's wife

Amazing grace how sweet the song
They that were lost then they were found
He broke the seals upon our lives
And present us as the Lamb's wife

Amazing grace how sweet the song
They that were lost then they were found
He given us the eyes to see
That we're the Son's beneficiaries.
