Coming to Perfection

Into your presence Lord
Time after time I've come
And through Thy word I hear
You've changed
And transformed me
And Lord my desire
Has turned heavenly
I am longing to be like You
Your very own image
Your own likeness
Lord I want to stand

From perfect faith to perfect love
Lord my soul is coming up
For this is the day and the hour
Of my translation
You said "fear not" to me
All I require
That you will do unto me
Oh Lord I believe
I'm coming to perfection

Who am I dear Lord
That thou take knowledge of me
This Moabitish damsel
Has truly found favor with thee
For Lord you look beyond my faults
And you saw
I was in need
The price of redemption
You willingly paid
To redeem me

Oh cover me, dear Lord
With Thy great love
For Thou art my Kinsman Redeemer
You're the great and mighty One
Now I am a virtuous woman
Your bride at Your side
I've come into union with You, Lord
I've found full redemption
