Friendship With Jesus

A friend of Jesus, oh, what bliss
That one so weak as I
Should ever have a friend
like this
To lead me to the sky.

Friendship with Jesus,
Fellowship divine;
Oh, what blessed sweet
Jesus is a friend of mine.

A friend when other friendships
A friend when others fail;
A friend who gives me joy
and peace,
A friend who will prevail.

A friend to lead me in the dark,
A friend who knows the way;
A friend to steer my weak,
frail bark,
A friend my debts to pay.

A friend when sickness lays
me low,
A friend when death draws near;
A friend as through the vale I go,
A friend to help and cheer.

A friend when life's rough
voyage is o'er.
A friend when death is past;
A friend to greet on heaven's
A friend when home at last.
