From the Earthly to the Heavenly

From the earthly to the heavenly,
From this body to our Theophany,
From this old pest house
To our Father's house
That's the mansion He's built
for you and me.
That's the mansion He's built
for you and me.

If the earthly house
Of this tabernacle be dissolved,
We have another one waiting
Eternal in the heavens;
He said, "I go to prepare
a place for you,
That where I am,
There you may be also."

In this body we groan desiring
to be clothed upon
With our new body celestial
in the heavens
So when this corruption
Shall have put on incorruption
Then mortality shall be swallowed
up of life.

Soon we'll lay aside this old
ragged robe of flesh
In exchange for a glorious one
Prepared in the heavens
Another resurrection
at the sounding of the trump
Our bodies will be glorified
just like Jesus.
