Gathering Beautiful Sheaves

To the harvest field away
we will gladly go today,
Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves;
From the early dawn till night
we will labor with our might,
Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves,
Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves;
Praise the Lord, we're on our way
to that endless day,
Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.

On the mountain, hill or plain
we win harvest in the grain,
Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves;
Yes, we'll labor far and near,
Never falter, never fear,
Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.

We will sing and we will pray,
And our Master's voice obey,
Gathering sheaves, beauitful sheaves;
As we go in foreign lands,
Doing what our Lord commands,
Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.
