Honey In The Rock
Oh, my brother do you know
the Savior,
Who is wondrous, kind and true?
He's the "Rock of your salvation!"
There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Oh, there's Honey in the Rock,
my brother,
There's Honey in the Rock for you;
Leave your sins for the blood
to cover,
There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Have you "tasted that the Lord
is gracious?"
Do you walk in the way that's new?
Have you drunk from
The living fountain?
There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Do you pray unto God the Father,
"What wilt Thou have me to do?"
Never fear, He will surely answer:
There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Then go out through the streets
and byways,
Preach the Word
To the many or few;
Say to every fallen brother,
"There's Honey in the Rock for you."