Muliakan NamaNya

(Sing Glory)
NP. 023 - 4/4 F = Do (1 Mol)

Tuhan Allah benteng yang kuat,
Karang di tanah kering;
KebenaranNya tetap kekal,
Dan tahtaNya bergeming.

Puji Dia, O umat, megahkan karyaNya!
Baiklah s'gala bumi Sorga, Muliakan namaNya,

Muliakan namaNya, Muliakan namaNya,
Baiklah s'gala bumi Sorga, Muliakan namaNya,

Tuhan Allah tempat yang aman,
Menara perlindungan.
Jiwa yang berteduh padaNya,
Akan tenang dan aman.

Tuhan Allah akan s'lamatkan,
Dan melindungi kita.
KuasaNya akan nyatakan,
Dia Raja s'gala raja.

Muliakan namaNya, Muliakan namaNya,
Baiklah s'gala bumi Sorga, Muliakan namaNya.

The Lord our God is a strong defense,
A rock in a thirsty land;
His truth has stood thru' eternal years,
And still like His throne shall stand.

Then praise Him, ye people,
His mighty works proclaim!
Let ev'ry thing in heav'n and earth Sing glory to His name.

Sing glory to His name,
Sing glory to His name.
Let ev'ry thing in heav'n and earth Sing glory to His name.

The Lord our God is a dwelling place,
A tow'r where His own may rest;
And sheltered there in His watchful care,
No harm can the soul molest.

The Lord our God from our foes will save,
And keep us beneath His wings;
His sov'reign pow'r will the world declare,
For He is the King of Kings.

Sing glory to His name,
Sing glory to His name.
Let ev'ry thing in heav'n and earth Sing glory to His name.
